First off, What is Installous/Install0us: Explained. (link coming soon)Install0usAt the beginning, puy0 created Installous and released it under Hackulous. After version 2 was released, he went on to rename it as Install0us and released version 2.5. Eventually version 3.0 was made (also under the new Install0us name), although it never made it out of beta.Puy0 had always wanted to make a legit app.
Hiding behind a badass Big Brother (Hackulous) was not what puy0 wanted to do. He wanted the freedom to develop apps safely outside the shadows of the law with his head held high. One may argue that he would have been perfectly safe staying under Hackulous’ umbrella, but that just shows you do not understand. Puy0 didn’t want to be “safe” in terms of a good hiding place, he wanted to be out in the sun, to be clean, free, and safe. Staying behind Hackulous would only imply that what he was doing was unlawful and required backup from Hackulous. Accordingly, he moved out of Hackulous in October 09 and distributed Install0us 2.5 (and thereafter the 3.0 beta) independently.All along he was confident that he was taking the legal route with 2.5 and 3.0 because neither of them are tied to any cracked-app sites, and neither of them actively provided download links or illegal content.
But he had enough doubts to compel him to seek a proper lawyer. He eventually found a lawyer at the top of his field, specializing in Internet law and legislations. It turned out that he was not entirely in the clear, and if it were ever to go to court it would be difficult to defend his case.
After a long though, he decided to quit this shady life and put a stop to Install0us development.Install0us 3, that came with app updates and plugins, is now dead. It no longer works.Install0us 2.5 is discontinued as of version 2.5.2.the.end. Development has ceased, but it still works. It will continue to work forever, at least until a very different iPhone OS comes out and incompatibility occurs.HackulousWhen puy0 left, Hackulous didn’t feel good about it. The staff felt that they have done their part in supporting his app, keeping it updated in the Hackulous repo, and providing a platform for Installous discussion on their forum and helping their users with Installous issues, etc etc. They felt that puy0’s exit from Hackulous was tantamount to a backstab.
They, Dissident in particular, disagreed with the principle behind puy0 moving out of Hackulous on grounds of legality concerns.Also, they wanted to retain an official installation app because Installous had been part of the ‘lous’ package for so long.
Installous Api Error
Try upgrading manually instead:Pre-requisite TaskWhen making significant changes to your computer such as updating the operating system, you should always backup.See links to resources about backing up by clicking the link for the respective version of Windows you are running:,.then.then. Disable your Antivirus utility before attempting the upgrade. Restart a few times then try again. Disable General USB Devices (example - Smart Card Reader).
Installous For Android
If you are using a SCSI hard disk, make sure you have drivers available for your storage device on a thumdrive and it is connected. During Windows 10 setup, click the Custom Advanced Option and use the Load Driver command to load the appropriate driverfor the SCSI drive.