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Sometimes the “standard” resume format just won’t cut it. You may need a unique resume that best fits your experience. That’s why we built our career resume template library — to target specific types of job seekers. Each template is tailored to help you overcome any challenges you may face when seeking work. Can You Use a Resume Template?For those of you worried about using a template, don’t be.Using a resume template has become an acceptable and smart practice for a number of reasons.We know that you may have some concerns about using one, so we’ve taken the liberty of debunking the biggest myths about using a templates below. Myth 1: Hiring managers look down on candidates that use themHiring managers want a resume which is professional, well-written, well-formatted, and comprehensive. We’d know, because those are precisely the requirements the HR professionals who design our templates work with.

Each and every one of our templates is made by HR professionals who know the best resume qualities that will capture a hiring manager’s attention. Myth 2: Using a Microsoft Word template won’t allow you to stand out from the crowdPut yourself in the shoes of a hiring manager. Would you rather read:a) Yet another resume that was poorly structured and patchy (but made from scratch) or,b) A cohesive and professional resume?If you chose b), you’re on the money. There is no doubt that a resume which is both cohesive and professional will have a far better chance of standing out of the crowd – even if it’s made using a template.The give you a framework for creating your individual, unique resume. Once you add your personal ‘stamp’ to it through imputing your unique skills, professional experiences, and wording, it will stand out of the crowd for all the right reasons. Myth 3: For such an important document, it feels lazy not to make it from scratchUsing a template doesn’t make you lazy by any means. It makes you efficient, and resourceful.Making use of a resource that will not only save you time, but is proven to elevate your chances of scoring a job simply makes sense.

You could try to navigate the perilous lands of Microsoft Word formatting, develop a solid resume structure, and come up with line after line about why you’re the best candidate.Or you could use one of our HR-approved templates. It’s your choice.

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